Tuesday, 18 March 2008


I hand rendered this image with a marker and felt tips. My audience liked the message and understood the image but advised that I should use illustrator to enhance the image.



This image was illustrated with a marker pen. I decided to use this image for my final piece because it engages my audience. It asks them a question which they have to seriously think about. I decided to pick drugs and my subject because it is something that I have never tried before and I'm therefore interested in others personal experiences. I interviewed some of my close friends who were students to find out why they do drugs and what they gain from doing it. I got lots of interesting responses which helped me with the project. I also decided not to reveal their identities because of the sensitivity of the subject matter.

This image was illustrated by one of the people interviewed for my Communication Design project. She told me that she wasn't quite sure what drugs she was on at that particular time but it was a mixture of substances.